Second Trimester Anamoly Scan

Finally get to do the long awaited second trimester scan at Fetal Care Center. This scan is included in my NUH Antenatal package ($984 for senior consultation). The scan lasted about half an hour, the sonographer took measurements of Bee on his body, head circumference, abdominal circumference, length of bones on hands and legs, spines...etc. Baby Bee is very active during the scan, keep moving around which makes the sonographer a hard time to take his measurements.

After ultrasound, we went to the Ruby clinic to see Prof Su, but she held on at the operation theater, therefore we had a long wait (about 2hrs) before we get to see her. My scan wasn't ideal, baby Bee is measured too small again (this has happen since first scan), but Bee seems to be much smaller than expectation. Prof Wong (from Fetal Care Center) had schedule another scan for me on week 28 to monitor on Bee's growth.

Prof Su want me a take a blood test ($178) to check if there's any virus hindering baby's growth and she prescribe low doses of 100mg Aspirin for me to the increase my blood flow so that it can deliver more nutrients to Bee. Prof Su also advise me to eat more proteins (meat, eggs, birdnest...) to help baby to grow bigger. Grow Baby GROW!!

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Mama Bee Reviews for all other products

*** I am not representing nor advertising for any products or company. All items posted are purchased and owned by myself, posted just for fun & sharing :) ***

First consultation at NUH Ruby Clinic (A/prof Su Lin Lin)

My first visit to the private clinic (Ruby clinic), the outlook and atmosphere is totally different from G clinic. The private clinic is well furnished with comfortable chairs and sofas (unlike G clinic that looks like polyclinic). 

The registration took a bit long for first-timer, the receptionist show me to the restroom for pee stick test and took my height & weight measurements.

We sat the sofa outside the doctor's room and waited for about 20 mins to get to see Dr Su. 
My first impression of her is very good, she is a very very soft spoken lady as per reviews online. She gave me my result of previous swab test and told me that I have Gardnerella Vaginalis infection but she assured me that this is a very common infection and it will not affect the fetus. 

She prescribed some medications for me and then we proceed to a scan room to check on Bee’s heartbeat. We managed to catch a glimpse of Bee moving his hand during the scan.
He seems to be waving to us, it is really heart warming to see that Bee is doing well and moving actively inside. 

His heartbeat was captured at normal rate of 150. We are given a few ultrasound shots of Bee... he is sooo dxxx CUTE!! I love him to the max even before he is born. I pray for Bee's good health and well being daily. Mummy loves you always!


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Journey With Bee (baby products) | Mama Bee Reviews (other products)
*** I am not representing nor advertising for any products or company. All items posted are purchased and owned by myself, posted just for fun & sharing :) ***

Last visit at G clinic

Today is my last visit to the subsidies clinic (G clinic) and it is the first time I attend my prenatal appointment alone. DH did not come because we had a fight yesterday. Feeling very down and lonely. The pregnancy hormones and discomfort is torturing me and yet DH gave me additional stress and fights, so sad!

This appointment is just like previous visits on the same routine (urine strip test & weight). Waiting time about 30 mins, the doctor took my blood pressure and then start scanning for Bee’s heartbeat using a Doppler. She did a vga check as I complained to her about recent heavy discharge and itch discomfort. The doctor suspect it could an infection so she took some samples to check for infections. The results will be advise and follow up on the next visit with Dr Su.

All consultations and tests done today are charged under subsidized rate (which is about -60%). I am feeling well, I feels like crying all the time yet I am afraid that crying will harm Baby Bee. I feel very very stress!

See more product reviews at: 
Journey With Bee for baby products
Mama Bee Reviews for all other products

*** I am not representing nor advertising for any products or company. All items posted are purchased and owned by myself, posted just for fun & sharing :) ***

Appointment secured with Ruby Clinic @ NUH

Few days later, I decide to try my luck on changing doctor to Prof Dr Su. I called the appointment line again and to my surprise, it is my lucky day! There is a cancellation of appointment in mid Jan, so I quickly grab it. The first consultation with senior consultant for NUH private is around $130+, thereafter repeat consultation will be $95+ each. If my first visit is good, likely I will take up the Antenatal package from Week 22 onwards.

The Antenatal package includes 2 main obstetrics scan (week 22 & week 32) plus all consultations from week 22 until delivery. The package cost about $950 (for senior consultants). 

I can't wait to see how's my little Bee growing till the next obstetric scan in Feb :)

See more product reviews at: 
Journey With Bee for baby products
Mama Bee Reviews for all other products

*** I am not representing nor advertising for any products or company. All items posted are purchased and owned by myself, posted just for fun & sharing :) ***

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